Over at blog
decor8, writer Holly Becker covered a topic that really hit home for me and a lot of other readers...she was asked the
question (by fellow blogger
Nathalie): "Do you have any suggestions on how to find your calling in the design world? Is there anyone out there that feels the same way? What are we supposed to do when we don't know?". I am a true believer in following your passion but it can be a real challenge to actually find your "niche" and on top of that, make a good living out of it. So, how do you find your calling? This isn't an easy one to answer! However, a few things that can help guide you in the right direction are: 1) take a risk and get a job (part-time even) that is related to what you're most interested in or take that night class you've been considering! 2) learn as much as you can about what it is you'd like to pursue; 3) patience, patience, patience! It may take months or even years before you finally discover your true calling! 4) be willing to take a risk - big or small - you'll never know unless you give it a try.
I first started as an assistant in high end residential and after 2 years, decided residential design was not my cup of tea! Shortly after I shifted over to model home design , I fell in love and quickly went from design assistant to project manager in about 2 years. I had no idea I'd end up where I am today and wouldn't be where I am had I not taken risks and tried new things. You can't over think things to much - sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and just go for it! Everyone starts somewhere - even the most successful people started out with little experience and had to work their way to the top. I'm anxious hear Holly explore the topic more this week!
What are your thoughts on finding your true calling? What do you believe it takes to find your niche in the design world? Please share any thoughts or insight! I'd love to hear from you.
interesting topic & great advice. i haven't searched for my place in the design world, but i have in the world in general & your advice is true for any field/career path. i find it is best to go with your gut & be you. be confident in your abilities and talents & you will find your way. patience, patience, patience is key, and the most difficult thing for me.